Tuesday, January 6, 2009

From the Beginning

Today I decided that I need to lose weight.
Not just to look better, but to feel better.
I have to lose weight for my health, to live longer and for a better self-esteem.

Today, I realized that if I can lose a pound a week, by the end of the year I would be 40 to 50 lbs lighter, and wearing smaller clothes.
My goal is to lose 1 to 2 lbs a week... if I could lose 2 lbs a week that would be 100 lbs lighter, that would be fabulous. But if I can do 1 lb a week for the next year... I´d be on my way to a great start.

With these things in mind, I have some things that I will be doing to help me accomplish these goals. To start with, smaller food portions- that is key. reading labels and actually eating the serving size is a good way to start. Yes instead to 3 cups of cereal and 2 glasses of milk.. it should be 1 cup of cereal and 1 glass of milk. This changes the calorie intake drastically.
Another tool I will be using is my Wii.... I plan on Doing Wii Fit 4 times a week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 30 minutes a day. On Wednesday I have my bowling league. On the Weekends I will take to spend time with my Family and doing other activities. On Sunday I will go to church... which brings me to another thing....

I will also start reading my Bible every day like I should be doing.

I would appreciate your encouragement as I progress through this journey...... All this is From the Beginning of 2009 and from the beginning of my journey to a new me

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa! Sounds like you have a great plan. I will be praying for you and your goals. One idea that I had was to read a chapter of Bible every time I ate a meal and maybe a Psalms when I ate a snack. This would really help me not to snack so much and It would help me to read my Bible. I have not yet started this plan (well I did, but its not close to a habit yet), but I thought I would share it with you in case this might be something that will help you out. Have you read your Bible today? (beware I may be asking you this often) I have not yet, but since I asked you, now I have to! Glad you started a blog. I'll read it :) Have a good night!
